Indonesia Gets Hajj Quota, Minister Of Religion Taqut Asks People To Be Patient And Not Speculate About Prices And Quotas

JAKARTA - The Saudi Arabian government officially announced the 2022 hajj quota of 1 million people from all over the world. This is also good news for Indonesia after a long wait for the opening of the hajj.

Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, said that the reopening of Hajj opportunities for Indonesian pilgrims is part of the hard work and prayers of the community.

"Today's good news about the opening of the Hajj 1443 H/2022 AD by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the fruit of the prayers of all Indonesian Muslim communities and the world," Yaqut said in his statement, Sunday, April 10.

Yaqut said, the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu), the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) and other institutions, had negotiated regarding the costs that the pilgrims would have to pay later. Furthermore, the results of the negotiations will be consulted with the DPR RI.

"The Indonesian Ministry of Religion is preparing its technical and diplomatic needs. The costs that must be incurred by Indonesian pilgrims will soon be finalized together with Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives," he said.

Even so, Yaqut asked the Indonesian people, especially prospective pilgrims, to be patient and wait for an official decision from the government regarding information on the costs and quotas for Hajj.

"Please, everyone, be patient, don't play fortune-telling on the required quota or costs. God willing, the government will work as much as possible so that services for the Hajj pilgrims can run well," Yaqut explained.

Yaqut ensured that the government would make every effort to make this year's Hajj policy easier for the Indonesian people.

"Of course, at an affordable cost and trying to get the maximum quota that can be obtained during this pandemic. Bismillah," he concluded.