Airlangga Hartarto's Message: Solidity Is The Key To Golkar's Victory In West Sumatra

PADANG – The General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, invited all cadres to win again in West Sumatra. He emphasized this when holding a consolidation event with all cadres at the Grand Basko Hotel, Padang, Saturday, April 9.

"West Sumatra is the granary of Golkar, let's win Golkar again and become number one in West Sumatra," said Airlangga in the event entitled "The gathering of the General Chairperson of the GOLKAR DPP with GOLKAR Party Cadres throughout the Province of West Sumatra".

To achieve this victory, Airlangga stated that consolidation was the key. This he said in a rhyme, which has been one of the characteristics of the General Chairperson of Golkar when motivating banyan party cadres.

"The Minang people, he said sweet and filled. If Golkar wants to win, let's strengthen consolidation," said Airlangga, which was greeted with applause from all the cadres present.

In order to achieve this victory, Airlangga also reminded the cadres in West Sumatra to carry out all the party's priority programs.

"I hope that the Golkar Party administrators throughout the Province of West Sumatra at all levels will immediately formulate and implement priority and strategic programs towards winning the 2024 General Election, according to the road map that has been determined by the Golkar Party DPP," said Airlangga.

In a consolidation event which was attended by all district and city Golkar Party DPD leaders and members of factions in the DPRD, Airlangga also stated that he and Golkar were ready to fight in the 2024 General Election.

Regarding the implementation of the 2024 General Election, Airlangga stated that the voting day for the Presidential and Legislative Elections will be February 14, 2024. Meanwhile, the election day will be November 27, 2024. Even the early stages of the General Election will begin in August 2022.

Airlangga Hartarto motivates Golkar cadres in West Sumatra. (photo: doc. Golkar)

"With the approval of the voting day by the DPR, KPU and the Government, we only have 21 months left to prepare from today to voting day on February 14," said the Coordinating Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia.

As a presidential candidate who has been determined at the 2019 Golkar Party National Conference, Airlangga also reminded all Golkar cadres throughout West Sumatra to continue programs that are beneficial to the people, and at the same time have an electoral impact for the Golkar Party.

"We must be able to provide services sincerely and consistently to the people in the current pandemic situation. That's how we want to win people's minds and hearts. Let's achieve victory by giving sincere service to the people," said Airlangga.

In addition, Airlangga also reminded all cadres to actively participate in preventing the transmission of Covid-19. He asked that in everyday life, he still adheres to and carries out health protocols. Like wearing a mask, keeping your distance and washing your hands consistently.

"The Golkar Party must be an example for the community in implementing and enforcing health protocols," said Airlangga.