The Formulation Of The Name Of The First Campus BEM, This Observer Of Constitutional Law Brings The Name Of Anies Baswedan, Listen!

JAKARTA - Constitutional law observer Refly Harun told about the formation of the name of a student institution in Indonesia, the Student Executive Board (BEM). He said Anies Baswedan helped formulate the name of the BEM, which was previously better known as the Senate or the Student Representative Body (BPM).

This was said by Refly on his YouTube channel, Refly Harun. Initially he explained about the journey of the name BEM where he studied at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta. At that time Refly was in the same campus with Anies and Ganjar Pranowo.

"In the past, the name was BPM Senate, when I just entered it was the Student Representative Body, the Senate was the executive body. But the term Senate was not suitable for an executive body, so BPM was removed, the Senate was retained to replace BPM, and the name of the Senate became BEM, Student Executive Board, "explained Refly.

Refly did not expect the name BEM to become a popular executive institution at the level of higher education in the country. BEM is known to be led by a Student President or BEM Chair. In the past, said Refly, the name BEM was less well-known than the Senate student organization or BPM.

"And unexpectedly, the name BEM became very popular. At that time, if I'm not mistaken, the discussion was between me and Anies, with activists from the 88-89-90 class when they changed the name of BEM," Refly claims.

Refly then gave a disclaimer. The story is about Anies being involved in the formulation of the name of the first BEM which took place on the UGM campus. The formulation of the name BEM, he said, could have happened earlier in other universities in Indonesia.

"I don't know if there was another campus that started the name BEM, but what was clear at that time, if I'm not mistaken, Anies discussed the name of the Student Executive Board (BEM)," said Refly.

On the same occasion, Refly also talked about Ganjar in college. In his memory, he said that the Governor of Central Java was part of the nature lover community at UGM. Even Ganjar's hangout place when he was in college, Refly still remembers it.

"He [Ganjar] at the Faculty of Law UGM is a mountain activist, his name is Majestic 55. You could say the chairman, whether formal or not, but clearly the most influential person in Majestic 55," he said.