Peak Flow Of Homecoming 29-30 April, Normal To Emergency Traffic Scheme Prepared

JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police predicts that the peak of the 2022 Eid homecoming flow will occur on April 29 and 30. As for the return flow a week later or 7 and 8 May.

"The peak for going home is on 29 and 30 (April, ed). Meanwhile, the reverse flow is on 7 and 8 (May, ed)," said Head of the National Police Korlantas, Kombes Eddy Djunaedi when confirmed, Friday, April 8.

With the prediction of the peak flow of going back and forth, the Korlantas Polri has also prepared a scheme to anticipate the density of vehicles.

In fact, the prepared anticipation scheme is divided into several phases. Ranging from normal to severe traffic jams.

"Scenarios have been prepared for anticipation, starting from normal, congested, traffic jam situations to emergency situations," he said.

Then, the Korlantas Polri has also mapped the points prone to traffic jams. At least, there are three areas where congestion will occur, such as arterial roads to tourist sites.

"Potential points for congestion remain on arterial or national routes, toll roads and tours. However, the Police have prepared a scheme for how to act," said Eddy. Previously, Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi estimated that around 79 million people would travel back and forth. during Eid this year.

This is the finding of a survey conducted by the Research and Development Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) in March 2022. The finding of 79 million people who will return to their hometowns this Eid is higher than the results of the first survey in February.

Budi said, of the 79 million people who will go home for Eid, 13 million of them are travelers from the Greater Jakarta area.

"So it can be said that there are a large number of Jabodetabek (residents) who will go home," said Budi while being with Commission V of the DPR at the DPR building.

"The survey also shows that the peak of going home will occur on the 29th, 30th and 8th. In terms of most trips from East Java and Jabodetabek the most destinations are to Central Java," he continued.