Palembang Immigration Distributes Takjil For Ojek Drivers Breaking Fast

PALEMBANG - Officials and staff of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) South Sumatra and the Palembang Immigration Office distributed takjil and rice wraps for motorcycle taxi drivers and the general public to break their fast. This was carried out by the Head of the Regional Office of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Harun Sulianto, the Head of the Administrative Division of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sumatra Idris and the Head of the Class I Immigration Office of TPI Palembang Mohammad Ridwan in the vicinity of the Immigration office in the Jakabaring Main Market area, Palembang, Thursday 7 April afternoon. The Head of the Class I Immigration Office of TPI Palembang, Mohammad Ridwan explained that Sharing takjil and rice wraps in the fasting month of Ramadan is a routine activity as a form of concern for motorcycle taxi drivers and the surrounding community. These activities are sought to continue with a wider community target. is kei The head of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Administration Division, Idris, added that the fasting month is a momentum to be able to share and spread kindness.

"This Kumham Sharing activity will be carried out by all Correctional and Immigration Implementing Units in the province with 17 regencies and cities," he said. Immigration has succeeded in the 'Kumham Sharing' activity during this month of Ramadan. The Kumham care and sharing activity is an activity carried out in order to help ease the burden on the community as well as a form of social care for those affected by the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic, said Harun.