25,421 Children In 12 Districts Of West Aceh Region Already Have Identity Cards

ACEH BARAT - A total of 25,421 children spread across 12 sub-districts in Aceh Barat Regency, Aceh Province, already have Child Identity Cards (KIA) issued by the local Population and Civil Registry Office.

"This Child Identity Card functions as an identity card for children aged 0-5 years and children aged five to 16 years," said Head of the Population Registration Service Division of the Population and Civil Registry Office of West Aceh Regency, Muhd Yani Effendy in Meulaboh, Antara, Monday, April 4th.

He explained that the MCH was issued based on the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 2 of 2016 concerning Child Identity Cards.

This card, he said, contained a number of child identities, including the Population Identification Number (NIK) and the name of the father or head of the family listed on the child's Family Card (KK).

He explained that the card also protects children from crimes, such as child trafficking, and is useful as an identity card for making an electronic Identity Card (KTP), when the child is declared an adult or 17 years old.

"In addition to functioning as an identity card, this KIA can also be used as a population administration requirement, when children will enter school age at the Kindergarten (TK) or Elementary School level," said Muhd Yani Effendy.

From January to early April 2022, as many as 600 children in West Aceh Regency have made identity cards.

The requirements for making a KIA for a child, he said, are to bring a photocopy of the birth certificate, a photocopy of the family card, and bring a photo of a child measuring 3x4 if a child is over five years old.

"Children under the age of five do not post a photo on KIA, but for those who are over five years old, there must be a photo of the child," he said.

The background of the child's photo on the identity card is red for odd years of birth and blue for even years of birth.