Vice President Reaffirms Government's Commitment To Reducing Stunting Rates Will Not Stop

JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized the achievement of reducing stunting in the last three years, did not stop the government's commitment to continue to suppress stunting rates in Indonesia. which was held by the Merdeka Barat Forum (FMB) 9, virtually in Jakarta, Monday 4 April. 4 percent in 2021. The government's commitment does not necessarily stop with these achievements. Our target is that the stunting rate can be reduced to 14 percent by 2024," explained the Vice President. 2021 on the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction. The Presidential Regulation adopts the P National Strategy Acceleration of existing Stunting Prevention, as well as providing reinforcement in several main aspects. First, on the institutional aspect, Presidential Decree 72/2021 regulates the formation of Teams for Accelerating Stunting Reduction (TPPS) at the central, provincial, district/city, and village/kelurahan levels.

At the central level, the Vice President becomes the Steering Chair and the Head of the BKKBN becomes the Chief Executive in charge of coordinating the acceleration of stunting reduction, starting from the planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring, to evaluation stages. Second, on the intervention aspect, namely specific and sensitive interventions for the target group Third, related to aspects of monitoring and evaluation, where the Presidential Regulation mandates the development of an integrated monitoring system, so that the development of program implementation can be carried out quickly, precisely, and accurately. Perpres 72/2021 must really be implemented, starting from the commitment and vision of national and regional leadership; behavior change communication and community empowerment; convergence of specific and sensitive interventions at the center and the regions; food and nutrition security; to strengthening and developing systems, data, information, research, and innovation.