Monitoring The Makassar Eggplant Market, Minister Of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo Finds The Problem: Cooking Oil!

MAKASSAR - Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo went directly to monitor the supply of food needs at the Eggplant Market, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Saturday, April 2. This is an effort so that the scarcity of basic commodities in the community can be minimized.

He said the ripples of rising food prices ahead of Ramadan always occur. However, what must be maintained is the availability of these foodstuffs in the field, so that price fluctuations do not continue.

"So indeed the president asked his ministers to make efforts so that the scarcity that occurs in the field can be minimized," said the Minister of Agriculture, as reported by Antara.

From the results of his monitoring, the Minister of Agriculture said that all food supplies, such as chicken, beef, and rice, were sufficient. However, there is one problem that is of concern.

"Only the problem with cooking oil is that we asked about it and it was acknowledged that the item was there, only a little bit of it was displayed," said Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

According to him, from the results of his discussion with the Minister of Trade, M Lutfi, in fact, there has been a lot of distribution of cooking oil to Makassar. However, he admitted that it had not been distributed optimally, so the impression was still lacking.

For that, he continued, should continue to be encouraged so that distributors distribute as soon as possible.

In addition to visiting the Eggplant Market, the Minister of Agriculture and his entourage also scheduled a visit to the Pabaeng-baeng Market to review the availability of food before Ramadan. Furthermore, Minister of Agriculture Syahrul headed to Maros Regency to attend activities in the agricultural sector.

This is considered important, because in order to maintain a smooth supply downstream, it is necessary to maintain the availability of food upstream.