BMKG Detects Eight Hotspots In East Kalimantan Province

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) through a station in Balikpapan City, detected eight hotspots spread over two districts in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim).

"Eight hotspots were detected today starting at 01.00 - 17.00 WIB and we immediately conveyed them to their respective districts," said Class I Station Forecaster Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman (SAMS) Sepinggan BMKG Balikpapan Carolina Meylita Sibarani in Balikpapan, Saturday, April 2.

The parties who are immediately informed about the existence of the hotspot are especially the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in each region, so that they can take further action to deal with it.

The handling by related parties can be seen in the reduction in hotspots, namely the previous day 17 hotspots were detected in three districts, but today the hotspots have disappeared, while the eight hotspots monitored today are new hotspots.

Meanwhile, the two regencies that detected eight hotspots today are East Kutai Regency, there are five hotspots, then in Kutai Kartanegara Regency there are three hotspots.

The details are that the hotspots in East Kutai are located in three sub-districts, namely three points in Bengalon District, one in Batu Ampar, and another in Sangkulirang District.

For the three hotspots in Bengalon, all three have a medium confidence level with coordinates of 117.5687 longitude - 0.5794 latitude, 117.5663 longitude - 0.6758 latitude, then coordinates 117.5637 longitude - 0.6744 latitude.

Then a hotspot in Batu Ampar with a medium confidence level at coordinates 116.8102 longitude - 0.7010 latitude, in Sangkulirang with a medium confidence level at coordinates 118.1173 longitude - 1.0071 latitude.

"For three hotspots in Kutai Kartanegara, one in Muara Kaman District at coordinates 116.8377 longitude - -0.2227 latitude, two in Sebulu District at coordinates 116.9805 longitude - -0.1829 latitude, and 116.9844 longitude - -0.1854 latitude," Carolina said as quoted by Antara.