The Reason The Police Didn't Make Dicky, Dea OnlyFans Lover, A Suspect

JAKARTA - The police said that Dea OnlyFans' lover, Dicky Reno Zulpratomo, admitted that he did not know about the spread of pornographic videos. So, for this reason he was not named as a suspect.
"Indeed, he did not know and he did not distribute the video. In fact, he did not even know that Dea had distributed the video," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police Kombes Auliansyah Lubis when contacted, Friday, April 1.
In the examination with 28 questions, to investigators, Dicky admitted that he knew about the recording. However, the video is for personal documentation only.
Thus, the elements of the Electronic and Transaction Information Law (ITE) are not fulfilled. Dicky was not named as a suspect.
"So we can't apply the ITE Law to the person concerned and also if we include it in the Pornography Law, we can't because the person concerned is only recording the two of them," said Auliansyah. another man who was involved. Deepening is done by checking the files in the Dea database.
"So we just confiscated Dea's google drive, which we are analyzing later with whom he did it with," said Auliansyah.
Dicky is a male figure who appears in several videos uploaded by Dea on OnlyFans. Thus, his statement was considered important to uncover the pornography case.
Dicky has also undergone an examination for 7 hours. However, he was not named a suspect and was allowed to go home.