Prevent Stunting, Head Of BKKBN Hasto: 'Arrest' Bride And Groom Candidates And Pregnant Women

JAKARTA - Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo, said that preventing stunting must be done early. Namely before the occurrence of pregnancy in the bride and groom and pregnant women.

Stunting prevention in each region is a powerful strategy to make it easier for regional heads to reduce stunting in their regions. This was conveyed by Hasto during the Coordination Meeting for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, Wednesday, March 30.

"Because the residence time is less than 2.5 years, let's solve the specific factors that exist when we want to get married due to anemia, due to malnutrition. When pregnant, vitamin deficiency is resolved, when giving birth the family planning must be taken care of so that breastfeeding is also exclusive, completed. We just incubate this. So that even though she is still poor, she can give birth to a child who is not stunted. Even though she doesn't have a latrine because the APBD is limited, she can give birth to a child who is not stunted. That's our determination because money is limited. It's a different case if the Regent has a lot of money, please solve it all. But if you don't have a lot of money, you want the stunting rate to be 14 percent earlier, catch those who want to get married, catch those who want to get pregnant, catch those who have just given birth, (so that) they don't give birth to stunting (children), just while taking care of those who are stunted," said Hasto in an official statement. , Thursday, March 31.

On the same occasion, by looking at the stunting trend of toddlers in 2013-2019 and the target for 2024, YARSI University Chancellor Fasli Jalal, presented the scenario for acceleration of stunting reduction in the 2020-2024 RPJMN. According to him, every year there must be a decrease in the prevalence of stunting by 4.3 percent per year to reach 14 percent in 2024.

In addition, the BKKBN never tire of reminding and encouraging Family Assistance Teams (TPK) which have been formed in all villages to accompany prospective brides and pregnant women up to the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK). The function of the BKKBN and the Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team here is not as a medical technical because it will be carried out by the Health Office and health workers.

Therefore, it is hoped that all sectors will work together in order to reduce anemia in pregnant women, reduce maternal mortality, reduce infant mortality, and reduce stunting. Hasto explained that the data provided in the 2021 Family Data Collection (PK 21) can be used by heads of state. areas to accelerate stunting reduction. So that all PKH assistance, non-cash food assistance, latrines, habitable houses and others can be narrowed to reach the families who are at risk of stunting.

In addition, the Elsimil application, which will contain data about the health conditions of the prospective bride and groom and pregnant women, is expected to be able to be presented in real time by name by address on the dashboard of Regional Heads so that they can immediately intervene if catin and families are found who have the potential to give birth to stunting children.

Coordination Meeting for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in Banggai Regency, Prov. Central Sulawesi with the theme of Institutional Strengthening and Management of Stunting Interventions based on Presidential Decree 72 and RAN PASTI. This event will be held in a hybrid manner on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, offline at the Estrella Hotel, South Luwuk and online on the Zoom Meeting application.

This activity was attended by Banggai Regent H. Amirudin, Head of BKKBN Dr.(HC) dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K), YARSI University Chancellor Prof. dr. Fasli Jalal, Sp.GK., Ph.D., Prof. DR. dr. Abdul Razak Thaha, MSc, Head of Bappedalitbang Ramli Tongko and Head of BP2KB-P3A District Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi.