Police Food Task Force Calls Stock Of Staples Safe Ahead Of Ramadan And Eid Al-Fitr, Even Though Meat And Sugar Are Imported

JAKARTA - The National Police's Food Task Force stated that the availability and prices of basic commodities ahead of Ramadan and Eid are still safe. However, sugar, beef and soybeans are still imported. Availability of basic materials and even then based on the results of monitoring and data received from the relevant agencies.
"This is based on the results of monitoring, exposure and data collected from the relevant ministries. There are several commodities that have become hotspots besides cooking oil, namely sugar, beef and soybeans because their fulfillment depends on imports and prices are influenced by global developments," said the Head of the National Police's Food Task Force. Inspector General Helmy Santika in his statement, Wednesday, March 30.
The import of several basic commodities is carried out as a government measure to anticipate the occurrence of shortages. Thus, the needs of the community will be met and prevent the game behind the scarcity.
"The strategy of communication, coordination and collaboration with all stakeholders will continue to be implemented and improved to discuss the problems that occur and their solutions," he said.
Meanwhile, the availability of shallots and chilies is generally safe.
Apart from this, Helmy emphasized that the National Police's Food Task Force was still investigating and following up on incoming information related to allegations of fraud related to the availability of basic ingredients.
"The report will be handled objectively, procedurally, professionally and transparently," he stressed. Such as maintaining the stability of the availability of cooking oil with supervision at the production level to distribution.
Then, supervise directly related to other commodities that are also in the spotlight, such as shallots and chilies. Supervision is carried out in food centers such as Brebes, Magelang, Temanggung.
"Visit farmers, traders to the market to be able to communicate well, absorb what is the problem," explained the former Dittipideksus Bareskrim.
Finally, Helmy also emphasized that he must be optimistic about the availability, distribution and prices of food ahead of Ramadan to Eid al-Fitr through hard work and collaboration with all stakeholders.
"Alhamdulillah, during 2019, 2020 and 2021 in general, food is safe, including during the celebration of national religious holidays," said Helmy.