The National Police Food Task Force Deploys A Team To Supervise The Distribution Of Basic Ingredients, The Prices Of Chili And Sugar Are Monitored, Here Are The Details

JAKARTA - The National Police's Food Task Force has dispatched a team to monitor the availability and prices of basic commodities in the market to distributor centers. Supervision to ensure that everything goes according to the provisions set by the Government.

"The National Police's Food Task Force at the center and the regions immediately followed up on the Chief of Police's instructions by holding coordination meetings with relevant stakeholders. The task force also communicates with traders to get input, including listening to complaints if there are any," said the Head of the National Police's Food Task Force Inspector General Helmy Santika to reporters, Monday, March 28.

The results of the supervision in the field, Helmy stated that the availability of basic ingredients was safe ahead of the fasting month. Including the selling price which is still in accordance with the Highest Retail Price (HET).

One of the inspections was carried out at the Kramat Jati Main Market, East Jakarta. The price of packaged cooking oil is IDR 25,000 per liter, granulated sugar IDR 14,000 per kilogram.

Then, red onions Rp. 24,000 to Rp. 25,000 per kilogram, clean garlic Rp. 26,000 per kilogram, onions Rp. 30,000 per kilogram of red chili Rp. 35,000 per kilogram.

Furthermore, curly chilies are Rp. 26,000 per kilogram and green chilies are Rp. 18,000 per kilogram.

"The results of monitoring in the field show safe availability, smooth distribution and the price is relatively still in accordance with the HET or reference price, and is relatively affordable for the community," he said.

In addition, Helmy appealed to the public to understand every government policy related to food. The public is asked not to be easily consumed by the circulating issues.

"Buy enough necessities, don't overdo it and keep stocks exceeding your needs, especially bulk cooking oil, which is currently being stabilized by the government," said Helmy.