In Front Of Gibran, The General Director Of PAN Firmly Says: The Proposed Postponement Of The 2024 Election Is A Party Affair, Don't Blame Jokowi

SOLO - Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan alias Zulhas visited the Mayor (Walkot) of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming. The two met at the walkot office at Loji Gandrung Solo, Monday, March 28 morning.

After the meeting, Zulhas said that the discourse on the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) being postponed was purely a matter of political parties. The idea will not roll if the parliamentary majority rejects it.

"That (the discussion of the postponement of the election) is the business of the parties, it's me, PKB, Golkar, many who don't agree, if not many agree, we can't go ahead, but if we agree everything is possible," Zulhas was quoted as saying. from the Surakarta News YouTube account, Monday 28 March.

Zulhas then asked that the name of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) not be associated with the discourse on the 2024 election being postponed. President Jokowi, he said, never voiced the ideas that emerged from the political parties.

"That's a matter for the parties, not the President, so please don't blame the President," he said.

When asked about the entry of PAN into the government following the issue of a cabinet reshuffle, Zulhas did not deny it. He said the decision to place PAN cadres in the cabinet was President Jokowi's prerogative.

"That's the President's business, I'm the Chair of the MPR, so I understand this is the President's prerogative, we can't interfere," he added. On that occasion, Zulhas also asked all PAN cadres in Indonesia to help the government. In the midst of the pandemic transition to endemic, recovery is underway, so cooperation is urgently needed by the government.

"Sometimes we get angry in the media, being sarcastic doesn't solve the problem, it's better, this is friendship, we convey our thoughts that will be very useful. And if the government is successful, the people are happy," he said.