RAN PASTI Strengthens Coordination Of Stunting Reduction, Deputy Governor Of Southeast Sulawesi Optimistic Target Of 14 Percent Reached By The End Of 2024

KENDARI - Deputy Governor of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) Dr. H. Lukman Abunawas, SH, M.Sc. attended and officially opened the Socialization of the National Action Plan for the Acceleration of Reduction in Indonesia's Stunting Rate (RAN PASTI) 2021-2024. The activity took place at the Azizah Syariah Hotel and Convention Kendari on Friday, March 25.

Deputy Governor Lukman said, accelerating the reduction in stunting rates is a national priority that is being pursued by the government at this time. The target that has been set in the 2020-2024 RPJMN is to reduce the prevalence of stunting to 14 percent by the end of 2024.

The commitment of regional heads is very much needed in the effort to accelerate stunting prevention. For this reason, regional heads and relevant OPD leaders from priority districts/cities for 2021 are expected to attend and demonstrate their commitment to accelerating stunting prevention. Attendance in the webinar is carried out through internet online media which can be attended by more than 1,000 participants in different locations.

"The socialization of RAN PASTI is to further strengthen coordination and understanding on the mechanism of work procedures, monitoring, reporting, evaluation and scenarios for stunting funding in Southeast Sulawesi Province. In this case, the BKKBN was assigned by President Joko Widodo to control stunting prevention in the country," said the Deputy Governor Lukman.

According to him, RAN PASTI if implemented nationally in all regions in Indonesia, it will have a significant impact in achieving the stunting reduction target that has been set by the President, namely in 2024 the figure will reach 14 percent.

Southeast Sulawesi Province in an effort to accelerate stunting prevention by signing a joint agreement between OPD, sub-district heads, village heads throughout Kendari City and strengthening community groups. One of them is through the inauguration of "Ina Parenting" ambassadors by involving TP-PKK women in the District and Urban Villages throughout Kendari City.

"All we can do is prevent it before it happens. So we hope that pregnant women will pay attention to a healthy diet," said the Deputy Governor.

Deputy for Training, Research, and Development of the BKKBN Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rizal Martua Damanik, MRepSc, PhD, added that in order to match the national target of reducing the stunting rate of 14 percent, the rate of stunting reduction per year must be in the range of 3.4 percent.

By looking at the actual conditions that are currently happening, he said, the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government is "billed" for its commitment in 2024 so that no districts and cities in the Southeast Sulawesi region have "red" status.

“Southeast Sulawesi with all its potential should be able to accelerate stunting reduction. The National Action Plan for the Acceleration of Stunting Rate Reduction (RAN PASTI) in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 72 of 2021 must be able to converge all ministries and institutions whose energy is focused on one point, namely the target," said Rizal Martua Damanik.

According to him, the existence of 53 universities in Southeast Sulawesi is a potential for great intellectual strength, which can help maximally accelerate the acceleration of stunting reduction.

If it is calculated, he said, the potential for students from 8 universities, 4 polytechnics, 3 institutes, 20 high schools and 15 academies in Southeast Sulawesi to become important students or care about stunting, the government's task will be helped.

"Students Concerned about Stunting can conduct research and Real Work Lectures (KKN) in Quality Family Villages (KB Villages) in the Independent Learning Campus Independent Program which is equivalent to 20 Semester Credit Units (SKS)," he said.

On this occasion, Rizal Martua Damanik also conveyed that the BKKBN called on prospective brides to carry out a health check before marriage, also known as preconception, to prevent stunting of children.

"It is very important for prospective brides to carry out preconceptions for prospective children born healthy and not stunted. We ask for direction from the minister of religion so that it is mandatory," he said.

RAN PASTI needs to be a reference for local governments in dealing with stunting. According to him, RAN PASTI needs to be presented as a reference for the central government, regional governments together with all elements of society and stakeholders to take concrete steps that can be carried out in a holistic, integrative and quality convergent manner.

"This means that by referring to RAN PASTI, it will be able to achieve the stunting reduction target of 14 percent by 2024," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Kendari Mayor H.Sulkarnain Kadir conveyed that the Kendari City Government, Southeast Sulawesi, continues to strive to reduce the prevalence of stunting, one of which is by conducting stunting consultations.

According to Sulkarnain Kadir, his party is optimistic that with the stunting consultation, the stunting rate in Kendari city can be suppressed and children can grow up better, healthier, smarter, so that they can become the pride of the region.

Meanwhile, regarding the existence of several sub-districts that have stunting rates, Kendari Mayor Sulkarnain Kadir emphasized that these sub-districts will be the locus of his side both for current handling and in the following year so that the indicators that cause stunting can be overcome.

To note, based on data on stunting cases in Kendari City until 2022, there were 227 cases recorded and spread across 15 sub-districts as well as being the locus of stunting handling and based on the results of the Indonesian Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) in 2021, stunting cases in Kendari City were below the national figure, namely 24 percent.