Quota Of 245 People Per Year, Prospective Hajj Pilgrims In Paser Kaltim Take 28 Years To Go To The Holy Land

PASER - Head of the Ministry of Religion (Kamenag) of Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, Maslekhan said that currently the waiting list for prospective pilgrims in the local area reached 6,940 people.

"Every day someone registers. Our data has reached 6,940 people," said Maslekhan in Tanah Grogot, Antara, Friday, March 25.

According to him, during the pilgrimage season, the quota for prospective hajj pilgrims in Paser Regency is 245 per year.

If we refer to the number of waiting lists for Hajj, it is estimated that people who register this year will take 28 years to be able to depart.

Therefore, he appealed to people who intend to perform the pilgrimage and already have the ability to register now.

"The problem is given a long life, that's another matter, the important thing is if you have the ability, just register first," he said.

Maslekhan explained that if a prospective pilgrim cannot perform the pilgrimage before his due date due to death, his heirs or family can replace him.

"If now the policy is different, the heirs or their families can replace them. In the past, they had to re-register," he said.

Responding to information that this year the Indonesian Government was allowed to send pilgrims for Hajj candidates, this is good news for the candidates.

"Of course this is good news for prospective hajj pilgrims, especially in Paser Regency, especially since it has been two years since 2019 there has been no departure for prospective hajj pilgrims, but so far we have not received information from the Central Ministry of Religion, how much quota is provided," said Maslekhan.