Banda Aceh Customs Destroys Illegal Imported Goods Worth Rp260 Million

ACEH - Customs and Excise Service Supervision and Service Office Type C Banda Aceh destroyed illegally imported goods resulting from customs action within the last one year.

Head of the Customs and Excise Service Supervision and Customs Office Type C Banda Aceh Heru Djatmika Sunindya said the goods destroyed were the result of customs action from January to December 2021.

"There will be 79 customs actions in 2021. The goods destroyed are evidence of the results of the customs action. Destruction is to eliminate the function of these goods, so they cannot be used," said Heru Djatmika Sunindya in Banda Aceh, Antara, Thursday, March 24.

The goods resulting from the customs action that were destroyed were other tobacco processing goods, sliced tobacco, cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, adult games, and smartphones.

The value of the destroyed goods reached Rp260 million with a potential state loss of Rp93.5 million. The goods are destroyed by burning.

"In addition to financial losses, there are potential losses in the form of social and health impacts that cannot be assessed economically. The goods are destroyed, so that they no longer have a function and no longer have economic value," said Heru.

The destruction of evidence resulting from customs action has been approved by the Minister of Finance through the Office of the State Assets and Auction Service (KPKNL).

"Some of the goods that were destroyed were sent from abroad through the post office. Any goods from abroad must be brought according to regulations. Some are also traded in the market," said Heru.