Serious Warning From The National Police Chief For Members Involved In Drugs: Fire, Criminalize, Give Maximum Punishment

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has instructed all regional and regional police chiefs to give maximum sanctions to members involved in drugs.

"If any member is involved, fire, punish and give the maximum sentence," said Sigit in his statement when unloading 1,196 tons of methamphetamine at the Intelkam Pusdik, Soreang, West Java, Thursday, March 24, quoted from Antara.

The four-star general emphasized the commitment of the National Police in eradicating illicit drug trafficking. Therefore, he did not want any part of the Police institution to play in it.

On the one hand, the National Police Chief also promised to give awards to members who made disclosures and had achievements. So the performance of members will continue to be better.

"I don't want any part of the Polri institution to play with this (drugs)," said Sigit firmly.

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police said that drug eradication is one of the efforts to maintain and oversee government programs in realizing superior human resources to reach golden Indonesia.

He reminded the threat of the dangers of drugs, especially for the next generation of the nation. For that he also asked his staff to be firm and take action from upstream to downstream.

"I really want the illicit trafficking of drugs to be eradicated from upstream to downstream," he said.

Sigit does not want Indonesia to become a market for drug dealers and dealers. One of the efforts made is the maximum penalty for both dealers and dealers.

For this reason, he also appealed to the prosecutor's office and district court to give maximum punishment to drug offenders as a form of shared responsibility and duty to protect Indonesia's young generation from the threat of drugs.

"Of course we appeal to our partners, the prosecutor's office and the district court to give the maximum punishment to the perpetrators," said Sigit.

Not only that, as a deterrent effect, the former Head of the Propam Police Division also asked his staff to conduct searches on the assets of the perpetrators and drug dealers, as well as ensnare them with the money laundering article.

"Please do tracing, carry out the money laundering process against these perpetrators or drug dealers so that they are deterred from what has been done," Sigit ordered.

Contacted separately, the Director of Narcotics Crime at the National Police, Brigadier General Pol. Krisno H Siregar said that efforts to apply money laundering offenses in drug cases, although the numbers are still small, will continue to be maximized, not only at the central level, but also at the regional police and regional levels.

During the period of 2021, the National Police's Criminal Investigation and Narcotics Directorate applied the ML article to five drug cases handled by the National Police Headquarters, this number increased by 400 percent compared to 2020, where there was only one case that was charged with money laundering.

Meanwhile, for the disclosure of the 119 tons methamphetamine case in Bandung today, said Krisno, no suspects have been charged with the money laundering offenses articles.

"However, efforts to go there as ordered by the National Police Chief will certainly be followed up seriously by investigators," said Krisno.