HNW: Jakarta Becomes A Special Region Regardless Of The Results Of The Material Examination Of The IKN Law

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Hidayat Nur Wahid assessed that whatever the results of the judicial review of Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital (UU IKN), the emphasis on Jakarta as a "special" area must still be carried out.

"All parties must always attach importance to Jakarta and must be a certainty, although currently the plan to move the capital city and the judicial review of the IKN Law to the Constitutional Court (MK) continues," said Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) in a written statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, 22 March.

The statement was conveyed by HNW in a public discussion entitled "Initiating the Future of Jakarta" which was held by the DKI Jakarta PKS DPW on Monday (21/3).

He said the future of development in Jakarta should be oriented towards presenting positive and constructive scenarios, not negative let alone destructive ones.

This, according to him, is because President Jokowi has publicly stated that Jakarta remains a development priority, will not be forgotten, and will be developed into a business city, a regional trade center, and even a global scale.

"In fact, President Jokowi likens Jakarta to be like New York, left by the US, moving its capital to Washington DC. On August 26 2019, President Jokowi stated that he had prepared a budget of Rp. 571 trillion for urban regeneration in Jakarta," he said.

HNW invites the community to guard positive and constructive scenarios in building Jakarta so that it can actually be implemented.

According to him, Indonesia should learn from the experiences of other countries that moved the capital city, but then the old capital city did not develop and even experienced a setback.

HNW gave examples of cases such as in Myanmar with the move of the capital city from Yangon to Naypyidaw and Kazakhstan with the movement of the capital city from Almaty to Astana, then changed to Nur Sultan.

“The former capital cities of these countries did not develop after the capital move, and even tended to be deserted. This cannot happen to Jakarta. Moreover, Jakarta has a long history as the capital city of Indonesia, where many important national historical events took place," he said.

Therefore, HNW views that whatever the results of the judicial review of the IKN Law, Jakarta must be one of the development priorities as promised by President Jokowi.

According to him, Jakarta should be a province that has the privileges that the Indonesian people should practice the teachings of Bung Karno, namely "never forget history (red jacket)".