PLN Prepares Electric Cars As Operational Vehicles For G20 Delegates In The ETWG Forum

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) prepared electric vehicles as operational vehicles for the G20 delegates at the first Energy Transition Working Group (ETWG) meeting in Yogyakarta. The delegates tested electric cars as a representation of global emission reduction measures.

Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications and TJSL PLN Agung Murdifi explained that in order to be able to make the series of G20 presidencies a success, PLN had prepared electric vehicles as well as a General Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) for the G20 delegates.

"As the host of this year's G20, PLN supports the government by preparing all infrastructure and electric-based operational vehicles as a showcase for carbon emission reduction actions," said Agung.

Agung explained, for the operation of the ETWG Forum, PLN provided three electric buses and 17 special electric cars for the delegates. As the host, PLN has prepared nine SPKLU units in Yogyakarta and Central Java.

Agung detailed that the seven existing SPKLUs are located at the PLN UP3 Semarang, PLN UP3 Surakarta, PLN UP3 Yogyakarta and four units in rest areas along the Central Java toll road. PLN also prepared a showcase of an SPKLU and two units of public electric charging stations (SPLU) at the Sheraton Hotel. In the future, PLN will add one more SPKLU.

"We provide this infrastructure not only for the ETWG event, but also indeed we will scale it up to support the needs of the community in the use of electric vehicles," said Agung.

In a series of G20 Presidencies, Bali as the host of the PLN G20 summit also built 21 SPKLU units of Fast Charging type and 45 units of Ultra Fast Charging SPKLUs.

Until February 2022, the total number of charging stations nationwide is 267 units in 195 locations. Total charging stations owned by PLN are 120 units spread over 92 locations.

"From year to year the number of our SPKLU will continue to increase to be able to support the electric vehicle ecosystem," said Agung.

With the massive number of electric vehicles, PLN is also ready to supply electricity. For now, said Agung, the position of electricity supply is sufficient so that it can meet the electricity needs of electric vehicle owners.

"We also provide many incentives with discounts on added power for electric vehicle owners and also a 30 percent discount on electricity consumption at night," said Agung.