Preventing Fire Threats, Yogyakarta Fire Department Aims For 40 Building Inspection Targets For 2022

YOGYAKARTA - As many as 40 buildings in the city of Yogyakarta have been targeted by the local fire and rescue service. The Fire Service will carry out inspections of the fire protection systems for the dozens of buildings.

“This inspection is important to ensure how the fire protection system is owned by a building. Moreover, the City of Yogyakarta already has a regional regulation that regulates this," said Head of the Yogyakarta City Fire and Rescue Service Octo Noor Arafat in Yogyakarta, Monday, March 21, as reported by Antara.

The city of Yogyakarta already has Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2018 concerning Fire Prevention and Management which mandates that the owner or user of buildings and buildings must have a fire protection system.

Violations of these rules will be subject to administrative sanctions ranging from written warnings, closures, fines, to the revocation of the building's function-worthy certificate.

Meanwhile, the 40 buildings that will be targeted for inspection this year consist of five malls, four factories, four offices, one cultural heritage building, 20 hotels, three banks, one vital object, one campus and one other building.

Inspection of the fire protection system will be carried out on various facilities and infrastructure in the building such as reservoirs for extinguishing, pumps, suction pipes, building hydrants, sprinklers, detectors, automatic extinguishers, emergency doors, emergency directions, fire lifts, and assembly points.

Previously, all the buildings to be inspected had received education and socialization regarding the fire protection system that must be owned and implemented.

The building or building with the best fire protection system will be awarded an award. "Hopefully, it can increase public confidence that the building is safe," he said.

The buildings targeted for this year are also confirmed to be different from the 40 buildings that underwent a similar inspection last year.

"We also continue to monitor the buildings that were inspected last year because there are still several things that need to be completed," he said.

Octo said that a fire protection system also needs to be owned at home or in the area, one of which is by preparing a light fire extinguisher (APAR) as an initial response in the event of a fire.

"Every RW in the city of Yogyakarta has been equipped with fire extinguishers and it is hoped that the community and business actors both have the awareness to do fire protection," he said.