Google Launches Fastest Clear Search History Time Option On Android

JAKARTA - Android users can now delete their search history that they visited in the last 15 minutes. This feature has previously been available for iOS users since last July.

Google says it will expand this feature to all Android users in the next few weeks. This feature, of course, is very useful.

"We're currently rolling out this feature in the Google app for Android and hope to make it available to everyone who uses the app in the next few weeks. We're constantly looking for ways to bring this useful feature to the forefront," said Google.

Apart from saving people from the embarrassment of doing strange searches in their history, this can also be seen as a security feature, as it can help people seek help with something without leaving a trail that others can follow.

To take advantage of this new feature, simply open the Google app on your Android device and tap on a profile. In the pop-up menu, the Delete last 15 minutes option will be visible which is located under Search history. Tap it and the Google app will delete the last 15 minutes of search history from within the app.

In fact, Google already offers a way to delete the entire search history which includes options of 3 months, 18 months, or 36 months. Or users can go through their history manually and delete individual items as well.

However, neither of these options is particularly convenient if the user wants to quickly delete items from just one particular search session. The 15 minute wipe option seems to be the perfect tool.

Launching The Verge, Monday, March 21, Google first announced the feature at Google I/O in May last year, and the feature arrived on Google's iOS app in July.

Back then, Google stated it would arrive in the Android version of the app later in 2021, but for some reason, the company missed that deadline. It's not clear yet whether Google plans to bring the feature to the desktop.