SMSI Wins MURI Record The Most Number Of Members In The World

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Cyber Media Union (SMSI) won an award from the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) for the record associated with the largest number of members in the world. General SMSI Firdaus Center, at the MURI Gallery, Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Saturday, March 19. “Today, we are proud to meet great, creative, and tough people who are beneficial for the progress of the nation. Indonesia needs people like those who were elected today so that our nation does not lag behind other nations," said Jaya Suprana.

Since its establishment on March 7, 2017, the number of SMSI members as of December 31, 2021 has reached 1,761 members. They consist of cyber press entrepreneurs spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia. The MURI Team considers that the number of members is the largest in the world so it deserves an award. Even now, said Firdaus, the number of SMSI members is increasing, reaching 2,000 press or media entrepreneurs. cyber. “The SMSI organization is expanding its network to the city and district levels. It's working now," he continued.

The MURI award marks the achievement of SMSI's strategic plan which has been set on the organization's roadmap within five years of its establishment. In addition to receiving an award for the record for the most members in the world, on February 28, 2020, SMSI was awarded the MURI award for its speed, spreadability, and abundance of media. Cyber who joined SMSI in submitting an opinion piece with the theme "Desire for Social Justice". In just 7.5 hours, the opinion submitted by SMSI to its members has been published in 571 media spread from Sabang to Merauke. Secretary General of SMSI Pusat Mohammad Nasir conveyed the achievements SMSI regarding the largest number of members in the world should be recorded and celebrated as a sign of gratitude to God Almighty.

“Through this record, we can reflect back on the achievements that have been achieved together. Of course, we will be more excited,” said Mohammad Nasir.