Russian Diplomat Expelled From Baltic States

JAKARTA - Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania have expelled a total of 10 Russian diplomats, according to the foreign ministries of the three Baltic countries on Friday, March 18. Lithuanian authorities expelled four diplomats, while Latvia and Estonia expelled three diplomats each. against Russian diplomats will meet the right answer," Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova was quoted as saying. The envoys were expelled in a coordinated move.

"With regard to actions that are contrary to their diplomatic status and taking into account the ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine," Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics said on Twitter. The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that it had sent Russian diplomats home for "directly and aggressively" disrupting Estonia's security as well as spreading propaganda justifying Russia's military actions. Meanwhile, Lithuania argued that the expulsion was carried out as a form of solidarity with Ukraine.