BPBD Reminds Residents Of Sigi To Be Prepared For Flood And Landslide Disasters

PALU - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Sulawesi reminded people in the Sigi Regency area to be aware of floods and landslides that threaten residential areas. "Head of Logistics and Emergency Division of Central Sulawesi BPBD, Andi Sembiring in Palu, Friday, March 18. In the past two weeks BPBD has received reports of flood disasters from several areas and most of them occurred in the Sigi Regency area. "Last week, we received reports in Sigi Regency. Dondo and Pesaku villages, Sigi Regency, there are also Donggala, Poso, Banggai. The latest report is in Palolo District, Sigi," Andi said as quoted by Antara. The flood that hit Hamlet 2 Desa Sejahtera, Palolo District, on Thursday (17/03) night, caused 21 houses to be submerged and a bridge connecting Palu City to Poso Regency was broken. "Until now the bridge is damaged and vehicles cannot pass, there are submerged rice fields and the BPBD has coordinated with the village government to deal with flood victims," he said. Meanwhile, the Head of Emergency and Logistics of Sigi BPBD, Ahmad Yani has coordinated with the The Department of Public Works (PU) and the Sulawesi River Basin Center are to minimize the impact of community losses in the event of a flood or landslide. “We have conveyed, for example, river normalization. We hope that it will be followed up immediately to minimize the impact on the community," he said when contacted.

Yani admits that Sigi Regency is one of the areas most frequently hit by floods. His party also routinely provides education and socialization of disaster mitigation. “We often give strengthening of disaster mitigation to the community. We also provide weather developments from the BMKG," he said. Yani hopes that people will remain vigilant during the rainy season, especially those who live near riverbanks and mountains. the old one," said Yani.