Two Smugglers Of Half An Ounce Of Methamphetamine In Dompu Prison Arrested

DOMPU - Police arrested two residents suspected of smuggling half an ounce of methamphetamine into the Class IIB Dompu Correctional Institution, West Nusa Tenggara.

The head of the Dompu Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, First Police Inspector Abdul Malik, said by telephone on Friday that the two, known to be brothers and sisters, were arrested based on a report by the Head of Class IIB Dompu Prison.

"So we carried out the second arrest as a follow-up to the report from the head of the prison," said Abdul Malik, quoted by Antara, Friday, March 18.

In his report, the smuggling of 63.36 grams of methamphetamine was revealed on Thursday, March 17 afternoon. At that time, the prison officer checked the delivery of the goods of the female perpetrator with the initials SR (26) for one of the inmates.

During his inspection, officers found black plastic in a pile of SR's belongings. Suspecting that it contained white crystalline powder suspected to be methamphetamine, the officers immediately contacted the Head of the Class IIB Dompu Prison and the information was conveyed to Abdul Malik.

Following up on this, Abdul Malik and his members moved closer to the Class IIB Dompu Prison. From the results of the search for the black plastic, white crystalline powder suspected of having methamphetamine was found in six clear plastic packages.

"So a clip containing white crystalline powder suspected of having methamphetamine was under a pile of clothes and food," he said.

With these findings, SR was then arrested along with a man with the initials MH (35). Abdul said MH was arrested for accompanying SR.

"Indeed, the item is in the SR, only MH is accompanying him, so we will also arrest him," he said.

From the results of the examination, it was revealed that MH and SR who came from Karijawa Village, Dompu Regency, often delivered luggage for a prison inmate with the initials Z.

"He admits that he often takes his belongings to prison. They admit that they don't know that the contents of the luggage contain drugs," said Malik. Dompu.

"So it was MH who ordered SR to deliver the goods. Meanwhile, MH received goods from N. He said that N was the convict's wife," he said.

Following up on the news, Malik and his members immediately carried out developments to N's house in Bali Satu.

"But when we went to his house, Thursday (17/3) night, the person concerned was no longer there, we searched him, but there was no evidence related to drugs," said Malik.

Malik said that his party was still continuing to develop and investigate the two perpetrators. Coordination with prisons regarding the identification of the prisoners is still ongoing. The same applies to the in-depth examination of the four cell phones that were confiscated from the two perpetrators.

"Indeed, we already know the identity of this prisoner, he entered (prison) because of a drug case. At that time, we were the ones who arrested him.