Calls The Election Postponement Movement Still Ongoing, Rocky Gerung: If The President Doesn't Agree Luhut Should Be Reshuffled

JAKARTA - Activist and political observer Rocky Gerung reminded all elements of society to be vigilant in responding to the proposed postponement of the 2024 General Election.

This is because he believes that the operation to smooth out the postponement of the election is still ongoing because the discourse continues to be rolled out by the circle of power.

It is known, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan loudly voiced the postponement of the election by claiming to have big data on the aspirations of the people who are not interested in the 2024 election.

According to Ricky, Luhut's claim is a signal that the movement to postpone the election is not over. “We still have to be careful. Even though Pak Luhut says Jokowi doesn't want it, he himself (Luhut, ed) continues to campaign for a postponement, right?" said Rocky through the Rocky Gerung Official Youtube, quoted Friday, March 18. According to Rocky, the public is being deceived by Luhut because the Java-Bali PPKM Coordinator does not want to reveal the data he has. He also questioned the source of the data as if it were a secret fact.

"Actually, we are being deceived by big data and the one who holds the fraudulent tool is Mr. Luhut as he is called everywhere," said Rocky.

"Why doesn't Pak Luhut want to open it as if the source is a secret. If he is used to change the constitution, it should be opened, that's ridiculous, Pak Luhut's statement," he continued.

Rocky also found it strange to see President Jokowi acting calm as if nothing was bothering him. In fact, in the past, Jokowi stated that anyone who launched such a discourse would be slapping him in the face.

Jokowi seemed to enjoy Luhut's orchestration. If not, said Rocky, Jokowi should have removed Luhut because it was getting more and more noisy.

"So the orchestration (postponing the election) is now led by Pak Luhut. If the president doesn't agree, he should have been reprimanded or even reshuffled," said Rocky.

However, added this former UI philosophy lecturer, Jokowi actually considers Luhut an important minister. In fact, they claim to have data that the public wants the election to be postponed.

“Essentially, Pak Luhut insisted that the extension made sense. What doesn't make sense is acceleration. That's Pak Luhut's logic, right? This is Pak Luhut's miraculous way of thinking as a close person to the president," said Rocky.

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Pandjaitan Luhut said there were 110 million people who agreed that the 2024 election was postponed. Unfortunately, Luhut never said for sure where the data came from.

Luhut instead changed the topic by saying that currently Indonesia has been led by President Jokowi and has made some progress. He also reminded that currently it is still in a pandemic condition. “I am now asking why Pak Jokowi has to come down. If I see it below, it's fine. I can be right or not. Now that we are under (Jokowi) we are calm," said Coordinating Minister Luhut at the Grand Hyatt, quoted on Thursday, March 17.