Unidentified Man Who Jumped Into Cisadane River Found, His Body Floating In Sluice Gate 10

TANGERANG - The man who jumped into the Cisadane River a few days ago was finally found, Wednesday, March 16, at 08.28 WIB. Head of Emergency and Logistics BPBD Tangerang City Ghufron Falfeli said the victim was found 2 kilometers from the scene. Precisely at Water Gate 10 Cisadane river, Neglasari, Tangerang City.

"The victim was found 2 kilometers from the crime scene (TKP)," said Ghufron when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, March 16.

Gufron explained that the victim was found because his body was seen floating in the Cisadane River Floodgate. The team that received the report went straight to the scene of the crime until the body was finally evacuated.

"So there are reports from residents who saw (the victim) had floated and immediately contacted the volunteer team," he said.

Now the victim has been taken to the Tangerang District Hospital for a post-mortem. To find out the identity of the victim.

"(The victim) was taken to the hospital to find out his identity. He is a male, approximately 40 years old," he said.

Previously, it was reported that residents around the Cisadane river were shocked by the reckless action of an unknown man jumping into the Cisadane River, Monday, March 14, at 16.00 WIB.

Serli, one of the witnesses at the scene, said the man before jumping into the Cisadane River looked gloomy. Serli thought maybe the victim was in trouble so she was desperate to throw herself into the river.