In Order To Be Independent And Responsible, These Are 5 Things Parents Need To Teach Their Children

JAKARTA – You don't have to be perfect to be independent and responsible. As good parents, you need to provide guidance and direction to children so that they are ready for all situations when they grow up. Here are the things you need to teach your child ahead of their teenage years.

1. Responsible freedom

It is important to explain to teenagers that freedom requires responsibility. The small thing is, when agreeing a curfew with your teen, make sure he is responsible for fulfilling the agreement. Also give the understanding that the more a person can be responsible, the more freedom he gets.

Also, talk about the fact that everyone makes mistakes. Admitting and correcting mistakes is a responsibility. This means that children don't have to cover up their mistakes or lie when they are ready to take responsibility.

2. Provide support and quality time together

Support from parents can be provided by providing quality time with children. Have regular opportunities to sit down and talk about what they can do about extracurricular activities, homework, and homework from school.

3. Give assignments to help complete homework

Homework is related to life skills, such as tidying up one's own room, separating dirty clothes, washing them, and cleaning the house together. It's good to give them assignments to help them become more independent.

You can also involve children in community or organizational activities. This activity will be related to social responsibility. They are also more proactive in solving problems and supporting others.

4. Teach life skills

Achieving achievements in academics is good for children. But parents also need to teach life skills. Life skills include everyday skills, such as providing food, cooking, washing clothes, and other practical skills. In addition, parents also need to teach how to manage money and communicate with others effectively.

5. Explain the consequences

Every action, be it positive or negative, has consequences. This is what you need to talk about with your teens. They need to understand that if they choose to do something negative, the consequences will also be negative. When you do so, you could have logical consequences, such as loss of privileges. This can be an effective teacher because instead of being conceptual, it is better directly put into practice in real life.

Learning can be used as a foothold, forgive if they make mistakes. But still instill responsibility so that they realize that they will grow to be more mature and independent by the day.