The Postponement Of The 2024 Election Has Lost Its Prestige, CSIS: Because Many People Don't Agree

JAKARTA - The idea of postponing the 2024 Simultaneous General Elections, which was proposed some time ago by a number of general chairmen of political parties, has lost its prestige.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Department of Politics and Social Change (CSIS), Arya Fernandes.

"The public refuses, the political map in Senayan has completely changed. One way is to amend the constitution," said Arya in the discussion "Extending the Term of Office to Insert a 2024 Succession" quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 13.

Based on the results of a public opinion survey from a credible survey agency, he said, the public has a tendency to reject the proposed extension of the president's term of office and the postponement of the 2024 Simultaneous Election.

"The results of the public opinion survey are clear. From credible big data institutions, many people disagree," he added.

He added that the inter-party political situation shows that the majority of political parties in the Parliament Complex have also expressed their stance in the form of rejection of the proposed postponement of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections.

"Because now the majority of the factions in the DPR also firmly reject the idea of postponing the 2024 election," he said.

Therefore, according to him, there is no strong enough political reason to postpone the 2024 Simultaneous Election agenda, especially since Indonesia's political condition is currently experiencing high complexity at the international and domestic levels.

At the international level, Indonesia is carrying out the duties of the G20 Presidency in 2022 and as Chair of ASEAN in 2023.

"Domestically, some regional heads will change to Acting (executing duties). Our challenge is also facing the pandemic situation, we must carry out a total economic recovery process. There should be no reason for the government to push the issue of postponing the election," he said.

With this condition of urgency, he said the government should not bring back the issue of delaying the 2024 Simultaneous Elections.

"The stability of the government depends on public and political legitimacy. There is no moral reason to push for postponement of the election," he said.