Recognizing The Influence Of Indian Culture Entering Indonesia In Various Fields

JAKARTA – The process of understanding the influence of foreign cultures to Indonesia, needs to start from knowing how the process is to intersect with any field. Indian culture, entering Indonesia through a long process from knowledge exchange to trade.

Citing archaeological research by Agustijanto Indradjaja with the title The Influence of Hindu-Buddhist in the Archipelago (2014), elements of Indian culture were accepted and absorbed from socio-economic dynamics in the 5th century AD. Precisely during the Kutai and Tarumanegara kingdoms, archaeological remains are written in the form of house poles, boat remains, ceramics, pottery, beads, metal tools, and a number of graves.

The relationship between India and Indonesia was initially through maritime trade. According to JL Branders in Indradjaja's research, the people of the archipelago had 10 points of cultural aspects before the arrival of Indian influence. The original skills of the Indonesian people included wayang, gamelan, batik, metalworking, astronomy, shipping, irrigation, currency, meter (rhythm), and orderly government.

Illustration of Indian cultural influences entering Indonesia, reliefs of Borobudur Temple (Unsplash/Bill Fairs)

According to Suwardono in the History of Indonesia in the Hindu-Buddhist Period (2014), the influence of Indian culture to Indonesia was through a process of assimilation and acculturation. Both processes are described in the following aspects.


Indonesian in a number of words has its roots in Sanskrit. This language was absorbed since thousands of years ago. It is also used in everyday language which is widely used by the people of Java and Bali and other islands. For example names that use Sanskrit, such as Dwipa which means island.


Temples in Indonesia are influenced by Indian culture. It's just that it is adapted to the natural conditions in Indonesia which have many volcanic mountains. Hence, the structure in the roof of the temple is made sharp, unlike straight structures like in India. In terms of ornament, the form of acculturation of Hindu-Buddhist cultural elements is quite visible. The building is impressive in splendor and is associated with the embodiment of gods and goddesses.


In the modern realm, Bollywood music and movies are widely enjoyed. Conventional art, such as in the Ramayana Ballet, can still be enjoyed in the Prambanan Temple heritage area. Based on the style of storytelling, this ballet combines the art of drama without dialogue and dance and music. The story takes the story in the epic Ramayana, Rama and Shinta.

Food and culinary

Spices-rich foods are the characteristics of Indonesian and Indian food. The use of cumin, coriander, chatni, ghee, and coconut milk is closely related to the culture of the two countries. Food or culinary influences from Indian culture to Indonesia can be enjoyed in curries, gulai, laksa, soto betawi, to teh Tarik.

The four areas above are a description of the influence of Indian culture that entered Indonesia. In today's modern era, even Bollywood music and films as art products are also widely enjoyed by the people of Indonesia. While aspects of lifestyle, yoga practice is also widely done to maintain physical and mental health.