Overcome Scarcity, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Asks To Stop Cooking Oil Exports First

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin made a direct inspection of the Bulog Warehouse in Kelapa Gading and the Beres Cipinang Main Market, Jakarta, on Friday, March 11. The review was carried out to ensure the readiness and availability of food ingredients ahead of the arrival of Ramadan 1443 H, which coincides in early April 2022.

Not only reviewing the readiness for Ramadan, Ma'ruf also commented on the scarcity of cooking oil that has occurred in recent times. Ma'ruf emphasized the need for strict law enforcement efforts against perpetrators of irregularities in every link in the food supply distribution chain.

"The increase in the price of basic commodities before religious holidays must be anticipated properly, because demand tends to increase. (Prices of goods) During Ramadan and Eid usually do increase, but must be within reasonable limits," said Ma'ruf, at during his review activities.

Even if it is needed, with the trend of increasing demand, Ma'ruf appealed to businessmen and market players to stop export activities and prioritize domestic needs.

"In addition to rice, cooking oil and other necessities are also available. If necessary (stop exports), so that domestic needs are met first," said Mar'ruf

While related to the distribution chain, Ma'ruf also asked the Minister of Trade and the Head of the National Food Agency to continue to monitor its smoothness on a regular basis and as often as possible.

Because even though the supply of food production has been fulfilled through a number of food security programs, Ma'ruf thinks it will be useless if the distribution problem is not properly monitored and secured.

“This smooth distribution also has an effect. Because if the distribution is delayed, it includes an early warning if there is a delay, so that there is an acceleration to reduce it immediately, so that there are no distribution problems,” said Ma'ruf.

Closing his directive, Ma'ruf also re-emphasized the importance of firmness in law enforcement against speculators proven to hoard goods and harm the public.

"Law enforcement, speculators hoarding the necessities of life for the people so they don't hesitate [to take action]," concluded the Vice President.

Previously, Bulog President Director Budi Waseso conveyed Bulog's readiness to face the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. He reported that his staff had mapped out areas ready for harvest and expressed their commitment to prioritize domestic food needs.

"Our commitment, especially rice, sir, we must prioritize as you said, domestic production and we prioritize domestic interests. So we will not hastily continue to decide on imports including exports when domestic needs have not been met," said Budi.