MUI Agrees With BNPT Regarding The Characteristics Of Radical Speakers

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council's (BPET MUI) Countering Extremism and Terrorism Agency (BPET MUI) Muhammad Syauqillah said the characteristics and strategies of radical preachers launched by the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) were not issues that needed to be debated. and its function as a counter-terrorism agency. "What the BNPT has conveyed is in accordance with the corridors, the characteristics of the speaker, I agree and the fact is that it is," said Syauqillah in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday, March 11. According to him, actually the points put forward by BNPT are related to the five characteristics or indicators of radical preachers in the context of the study of radicalism terrorism, indeed the facts and data are the same. If you look at the 5 points put forward by BNPT, said Syauqillah, the point is that anything that violates the national consensus, namely Pancasila , 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Bhinneka Tungg al Ika, and the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, are radicals. "So, anything called separatism, caliphate, etc., if it violates the Indonesian consensus as darul ahdi wa syahadah (a state based on an agreement), it is radical," he explained. He also criticized those who are still questioning and dissatisfied with the BNPT statement as those who do not understand the chronological contextualization of the emergence of the issue of radical preachers. "Because if we go back to the chronology, it's an internal TNI/Polri forum. Naturally, the President gave instructions to the institutions under him. Those who feel dissatisfied may not understand what the contextualization of the chronology is like," said the man who is also a lecturer at the University of Indonesia's School of Strategic and Global Studies. , anti-diversity, and anti-NRI 1945. "By national consensus we have agreed on Pancasila. If there are others who promote outside the agreement of our national consensus, they are radical, that's all," he stressed. The chairman of BPET MUI for the 2021-2025 period also responded to one of the MUI administrators who said that the characteristic of radical preachers made by BNPT was a blunder. merely, not representing the MUI institution as a whole. "I do not understand whether the statement is personal or not. If the statement of attitude is from the MUI, it should have gone through internal discussions," he said.