DPR Asks Indonesia To Be Alert To The Impact Of The Russia Vs Ukraine War

JAKARTA - Chair of Commission I of the House of Representatives, Meutya Hafid, asked Indonesia to be aware of the impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Especially those related to the impact of geopolitics, geoeconomics, and geostrategy.
Meutya assessed that global geopolitical changes need to be watched out for as a result of the changing regional security structure. In addition to conflicts of interest between countries and the struggle for energy access. Because, according to him, the impact will not only affect the economic sector such as energy but also the food sector.
"We as Commission I of the DPR ask the Indonesian government to be aware of the geopolitical, geoeconomic, and geostrategic impacts of the Russian-Ukrainian war," said Meutya in a statement, Friday, March 11. The Golkar politician said that so far the direct impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is still on a regional scale. However, said Meutya, it is not impossible that it will also have an impact on the Indonesian economy in the long term.
Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also described the world situation which was facing a difficult situation. The reason is that they are repeatedly faced with events that unexpectedly disrupt the management of state finances.
"How difficult it is to manage the state budget, manage finances in this very extraordinary situation and we know that the world is currently in a situation that is not easy, a situation that is not easy, all countries feel not only our country. It is difficult, very difficult," Jokowi said in a statement. Open Session of the 46th Anniversary of the UNS Academic Senate, Friday, March 11. Jokowi explained that starting from the disruption and industrial revolution 4.0, the COVID-19 pandemic, to the war between Russia and Ukraine, countries in the world stuttered. Due to the acute disruption due to a pandemic that we did not expect, all of us are getting dizzy, all countries are getting dizzy," he said.