Sand Miners On The Slopes Of Merapi Asked To Beware Of Cold Lava Flood

KLATEN - Kemalang Police Chief AKP Suharto appealed to sand miners in Kaliworo, on the slopes of Mount Merapi, Klaten Regency, Central Java, to be aware of possible rain lava floods.

"In connection with the increasing activity of Mount Merapi and the incandescent lava to the southeast or the direction of Klaten, we are requested to always be vigilant and monitor the development of the situation from rain in the upper areas," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 10.

Miners are asked to anticipate the possibility of being trapped in rain lava.

"This incident can be anticipated by each miner. Until now there has been no order to close mining, either manually mining or using tools," he said.

AKP Suharto said that until now sand mining in Kaliworo is still active.

"Every day there is activity in the morning at 04.00-12.00 WIB, after that it has stopped. But the Merapi situation is not limited to what time, so I ask you to remain careful," he said.

Meanwhile, the decision to close the mining area if the status of Mount Merapi has entered the Caution level.

"If it's still on standby (level III), if it's (level, red) Caution then we will close the KRB (Disaster Prone Area) III," he said.

The police through bhabinkamtibmas continue to monitor both through monitoring posts and direct community activities.

"We continue to monitor and follow the development of residents," said AKP Suharto.