Two Children Drowning In The Grobogan Tuntang River Haven't Been Found

GROBOGAN - The Grobogan BPBD team, Central Java together with a joint team until the third day had not found the two children who had drowned in the Tuntang River.

"Search efforts have been carried out since Tuesday (8/3) after receiving information on the two drowning victims, until today (10/3) there have been no results," said Endang Sulistyoningsih, Head of the Grobogan Regency BPBD Daily, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 10.

In the search for victims on the third day, he said, the Joint SAR Team was divided into three search sectors involving five boats.

One boat sweeps from the crime scene (TKP) to Baturagung as far as 5 kilometers. Meanwhile, boats 2 and 3 traveled from Gubug Bridge to Trimulyo Village for 10 kilometers.

Meanwhile, boats 4 and 5 traveled from Trimulyo Village to Karangtengah for 15 kilometers. With the target point of the riverbank and the flooded area of the Tuntang River.

Until 17.30 WIB, he said, SAR operations were temporarily suspended to gather at the SAR Command Post at Kemiri Village Hall, Gubug District to be on standby to evaluate and prepare an operation plan for the next day.

The incident began when two victims named Erwin (12) and Novita (8) from the same village, Gari Village, Wonosari District, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarata played on the Tuntang River, Kemiri Village, Gubug District, Grobogan on Tuesday (8/3) at 08.00 WIB.

The two victims came to Grobogan with their parents to visit their sick grandmother in Kemiri Village. Then the victim played and swam with his eight friends in the sewer that flows into the Tuntang River.

According to a number of witnesses, the two victims swam while carrying them. Then both victims drowned. The victim's friends who knew about it screamed for help.

Some local residents found out, then ran and swam to save the two victims who were swept away by the current into the Tuntang River. Because the current of the Tuntang River is quite strong, the victim cannot be saved