Three Perpetrators Of Vandalizing Police Station In Muna Successfully Arrested

KENDARI - The Muna Police have arrested three perpetrators of vandalizing the Kontukowuna Sub-Sector Police Office, Kabawo Police, in Bahutara Village, Kontukowuna District, Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Muna Police, IPTU Astaman Rifaldy Saputra, said the three suspects arrested were the initials LKRZ (33) and two teenagers, namely JN (16) and MF (16) suspected of vandalizing the Kontukowuna Sub-Sector Police Office on Sunday, March 6 at around 23.00 WITA

"The Satreskrim of the Muna Police succeeded in revealing the perpetrators of the vandalism of the Kontukowuna Pol Sub-Sector Office of the Kabawo Police of the Muna Police within 3 x 24 hours after the suspects carried out the vandalism on Sunday 6 March 2022," he said via cell phone from Kendari, reported by Antara, Thursday, March 10.

Astaman explained, initially the suspects JN and LKRZ pulled out the front fence post of the sub-sector police then walked towards the sub-sector police office building, when the suspect MF turned off the lights by lowering the switch. which was on the meter then after it was extinguished the three hit the window glass together using wood.

Astaman said the three suspects dared to do the damage because they had previously been drunk from consuming alcoholic beverages.

The three suspects were charged with Article 170 paragraph (2) 1 of the Criminal Code which carries a sentence of seven years in prison.