Detox The Body With Diligent Consumption Of These Fruits

JAKARTA - As is known, fruit is one of the foods that are beneficial for the body. Fruits are famous for their many nutritional content from vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, and saturated fats.

Not only that, fruit turns out to have a detox function, one way to eliminate toxins in the body by absorption, distribution, and excretion of toxin molecules. In short, toxins in the body can be eliminated by consuming fruit regularly. Here are fruits that have a detox function.


The fruit of the berry family that has a distinctive sweet and sour taste, has a function as a body detox. This berry contains antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C. Not only that, the anthocyanins in blueberries also help protect the body's cells.


Besides being delicious to eat directly and processed into various food recipes, it turns out that avocados contain unsaturated fats which are good for your heart health. Regular consumption of avocados can detox your body and maintain the health of internal organs.


This orange, which is famous for its larger size than other types of oranges, does not come from Bali. This fruit comes from South and Southeast Asia and is better known as Pomelo. Grapefruit can help you in reducing weight and belly circumference. This is due to the fat-removing phytochemical processes present in this fruit.