Inaugurated As Head Of Authority, Bambang Susantono: President Wants IKN To Become A Model For The World

JAKARTA - Head of the National Capital Authority (IKN) Nusantara Bambang Susantono said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had conveyed a number of messages to him. One of them, Jokowi wants this new capital city to be a model not only in the country but also in the world.

This was conveyed by Bambang after he was sworn in as Head of the IKN Nusantara Authority on today, Thursday, March 10 at the State Palace, Jakarta.

"Mr. President entrusted the city to build a new civilization. He wants this city to be a model not only for Indonesia but also for it's global city," said Bambang as quoted from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube.

Bambang said after being inaugurated, the IKN Authority Agency would immediately start its work to build an inclusive, green, smart and sustainable city.

The first step that he and his deputy, Dhony Rahajoe, will take is to contact the relevant parties who have already prepared the Nusantara IKN concept.

"One of them is with Bappenas which has been conducting studies since 2017 and other ministries/institutions that continue development, for example the Ministry of PUPR," he said.

Not only that, he will immediately look for people to work with. "Because at this time the authority is only the two of us," said Bambang.

"So we have to build a capable authority so that later we can run to build Nusantara City, of course together with all stakeholders," he added.

Bambang hopes that all parties can support the development of the Nusantara IKN. Moreover, President Jokowi wants Nusantara to become a city that reflects Indonesia in the future.

"So our program in the future will not only build physical but we also want to build social cohesion, build a dynamic, vibrant society so that this will become a city for all," he said.

"For that we ask for the support of all levels of society to jointly build an inclusive, green, intelligent and sustainable Nusantara City," concluded Bambang.