Vice President Asks Campus To Increase Collaboration With Government

JAKARTA - Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin asked universities to continue to strengthen collaboration to build a national superior talent ecosystem.

The vice president made this point when giving a keynote address online in the 'National Dialogue on Indonesian Talent Management Gold 2045'.

"Collaboration between universities with the government, industry, and the business world, as well as the community must continue to be built and strengthened so as to be able to create an ideal ecosystem for the growth of national talent seeds," said the Vice President at an event held by Andalas University, Thursday, March 10, quoted from Antara.

The Vice President conveyed that the development of talented and globally competitive human resources (HR) is one of the government's priorities.

An ecosystem for the growth of national superior talents has also begun to be built and focused on the fields of research and innovation, arts and culture, and sports.

The government is currently preparing a grand design for the 2022-2045 National Talent Management under the coordination of the National Talent Management Task Force, which requires the collaboration of all stakeholders, including universities.

The vice president outlined the strategic role of universities in building national superior talents, namely: first, universities act as places to cultivate, hone, strengthen, and develop the potential, knowledge, and character of students.

"Universities as agents of social and economic transformation of the nation are no longer limited to places where knowledge transfer occurs," said the vice president.

Thus, said the Vice President, universities must provide space for students to develop their talents, abilities, and expertise.

"Hopefully college graduates can choose a career path or profession that suits their talents," he said.

In addition, the Vice President emphasized the role of universities in leading the preparation of future leaders. Students must be equipped with knowledge, faith, and piety as well as a strong national character.

“The character of national identity is important to be grown and maintained. We have agreed on Pancasila as a unifier of the nation, we must always guide it as a basis for behavior," he said.

The vice president asked universities to be sensitive to future trends so that their graduates are ready to face the challenges of the times.

"Universities are expected to produce graduates who not only have theoretical understanding, but also have problem solving and reasoning capacities so that they are able to answer real problems in society," said the Vice President.

The Vice President underlined the importance of continuous improvement. In positioning itself as an institution that develops talent, universities must make continuous improvements.

Closing his remarks, the Vice President hopes that this dialogue can strengthen collaboration in efforts to formulate the grand design of the National Talent Management for 2022-2045.

"I hope that the National Dialogue at Andalas University can strengthen collaboration between stakeholders and generate thought contributions in realizing the grand design of National Talent Management for 2022-2045," he explained.

Previously, the Chancellor of Andalas University Yuliandri said that this national dialogue was initiated as a follow-up to the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 21/2021 on the National Talent Management Task Force which mandates the formulation and preparation of the National Talent Management grand design for 2022-2045.

"The background of this activity is as an effort to prepare talented and globally competitive human resources in order to realize Indonesia's 2045 vision which requires a comprehensive, sustainable, innovative and collaborative national talent development ecosystem," said Yuliandri.

Also present at the national dialogue were Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mohammad Mahfud Md., Deputy for Human Development, Society and Culture, Ministry of National Development Planning Subandi Sardjoko, Andalas University academic community, and about 250 participants who joined offline and online.

While the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Secretariat of the Vice President Ahmad Erani Yustika, Special Staff for the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi, and Plt. Deputy for Government Policy Support and National Insight Lukman Hakim Siregar.