Mandatory BPJS To Manage STNK Still Processing

JAKARTA - Head of Sub-Directorate for STNK Korlantas Polri Kombes Pol. Taslim Choirudin said that the National Police had not implemented a registration service and identification of motorized vehicles were active BPJS participants because they were still in the process.

Taslim explained that the change in police services for active BPJS participants was a government policy. Running a government bureaucracy is a managerial activity. When the service is managerial, the process or procedure should not be abandoned.

"If it is abandoned, the potential for violation of the law becomes open. It is different from results-oriented leadership. So, managerial must be process-oriented or procedure-oriented," he explained.

Furthermore, Taslim said that the Police leadership fully supports the government's policies, especially in their capacity as part of the government apparatus.

As part of the government apparatus, continued Taslim, the National Police is not only positioning itself as a security guard who ensures a conducive climate and public order (kamtibmas) as one of the prerequisites for national development, but also as a dynamist.

"Police actively encourage all components of dynamic society in producing or producing products that can improve the quality of life of the community or to achieve the goals of the nation and state," he said.

As for the process that the Police must go through to implement the policy, he said, the first is to revise the regulations related to the tactical and technical implementation of the motor vehicle registration function, namely Police Regulation Number 7 of 2021 concerning Motorized Vehicle Registration.

Second, he continued, coordinating with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to make policies and develop standard operating procedures (SOPs). This is because there is a link between the STNK service and the obligation to pay taxes and the mandatory contribution to the Road Traffic Accident Fund (SWDKLLJ) by Bapenda and PT Jasa Raharja.

"Don't let people who have good faith in paying taxes end up being harmed (fine) because they have not fulfilled the requirements for participating in the National Health Insurance (JKN)," said Taslim.

The third is system integration with BPJS. In this regard, Taslim said that so far the Police have made maximum efforts in various ways, including building a system to improve the quality of service to the public who own vehicles and/or taxpayers.

According to Taslim, after the three steps above have been taken, the Police still need time to disseminate information to the public.

It is also mentioned that the four stages of the process above have been communicated and asked for understanding from the parties. The police do not want the additional requirement for an active BPJS card to be counterproductive to the trust and credibility of the police in the community.

"Once again I say the Police are not stalling, but we are carrying out the stages of the process," said Taslim.

The government enforces participation in the National Health Insurance (JKN) program as a condition for accessing various public services through Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2022 dated January 6, 2022. These public services include the fields of economy, education, and worship as well as law.

The government targets 98 percent of the population to become JKN participants in the 2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).