Sukabumi City Police Intensively Patrols In Crowded Centers Prevent Crowds Of Residents

SUKABUMI - Sukabumi City Police are aggressively conducting patrols through enhanced routine activities to prevent crowds from forming in crowded centers.

"One of the locations that we focus on in our efforts to prevent crowds is shopping locations, both traditional and modern markets that are within the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi City Police," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP SY Zainal Abidin in Sukabumi, Antara, Tuesday, March 8.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Sukabumi City Police, Iptu Astuti Setyaningsih, continued, in this patrol the officers targeted were those who violated health protocols and who could trigger crowds in locations that were considered vulnerable, starting from City Mall, Yogja Department Store, Congratulations Department Store.

Not only enforcing health protocols, his party also gave an appeal to both vehicle users and pedestrians to always maintain safety when trafficking.

He continued, in carrying out this KRYD, his party prioritized the enforcement of health protocol discipline to the community in a professional and humane manner. such as providing education regarding the importance of implementing health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic and not being hesitant or afraid to undergo vaccination to accelerate the formation of communal immunity or herd immunity.

"During this patrol, we are not only limited to giving advice to residents to implement health protocols, but also to create conducive security and security conditions, especially in the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi City Police," he added.