Good News There Will Be 24 Tons Of Cooking Oil For Sale For IDR 11,500 Per Liter In Yogyakarta

YOGYAKARTA - The city of Yogyakarta will be 'washed' with 24 tons of cooking oil at a selling price of Rp11,500 per liter to the public. Later the cooking oil will be distributed to traditional markets.

Head of the Yogyakarta City Trade Office Yunianto Dwi Sutono said the distribution of bulk cooking oil is currently still waiting for the Nusantara Plantation holding PTPN III (Persero).

"Hopefully it can be realized this week. We also continue to communicate so that the distribution can be carried out as soon as possible," said Dwi in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, March 8.

Dwi said 24 tons of cooking oil would be supplied to four traditional markets in Yogyakarta, namely Beringharjo, Kranggan, Demangan, and Pingit.

"The program is not only carried out in Yogyakarta but also in several other cities. I received information that Solo has received a supply of cooking oil. Hopefully in Yogyakarta it will follow soon," said Dwi, quoted from Antara.

However, Yunianto hopes that the choice of traditional markets as the target location for the cooking oil distribution program will not only be carried out in the northern part of Yogyakarta.

"Hopefully it can be shifted to one of the markets in the southern part of Yogyakarta. For example, to Pasar Kotagede or Pasar Legi, so that it is more evenly distributed," he added.

Based on the data, the average consumption of cooking oil in Yogyakarta City reaches 10,000-12,000 liters per week.

"We also continue to monitor the availability of cooking oil. In the field, there are those who sell bulk cooking oil at a price of Rp. 10,000 per 600 milliliters. Because it is needed, consumers continue to buy it," he said.

In addition to trying to get a supply of bulk cooking oil, a number of steps have been taken by the local government to overcome the scarcity of cooking oil, one of which is by holding market operations.

From several market operations that have been carried out, Yunianto continued, the cooking oil provided is always absorbed quickly. "One of them is in the District of Wirobrajan. 1,000 liters are provided and they are sold out immediately," he concluded.