Even The Fence Of The House Was Stolen In Medan, But It Was So Big That It Couldn't Be Transported To A Motor Rickshaw Brought By A Thief

MEDAN - A gang of thieves stole the fence of an empty house in Medan City, North Sumatra. The theft of the fence was caught on CCTV.
The incident occurred on Jalan Paitan, precisely at the fork in Jalan Kerang, Medan Area District, Medan City, Sunday, March 6.
"The iron fence of an empty house was dismantled by a number of people and carried away by rickshaw," is written in the narration of the video seen on Tuesday, March 8.
In the video, there are 2 men who come with a rickshaw and immediately dismantle the fence. The thieves immediately moved the fence onto the rickshaw.
A local resident, Januar, when met by reporters said the band of thieves only stole a small fence. Meanwhile, the large fence, he said, was not carried away by the thief.
"The incident happened on Sunday, 3 people came with rickshaws to take this fence, I was guarding it. The long fence was lifted on top of the rickshaw, because it was too heavy, the rickshaw flipped over, fell on them, so the small one was lifted," said Januar, Tuesday, March 8. .
According to Januar, one of the perpetrators is a local resident. He said the presence of the perpetrators in their environment was very disturbing.
"This can't be left, the village itself. Even the electric cables were stolen," he said.
Meanwhile, the fence that the thieves managed to take was sold at a used goods collection location on Jalan Pendidikan.
"I checked there, the condition was chopped. I said, this is my fence, then he didn't admit it. Now I am accused by A who stole the fence," he explained.
According to Januar, the location of the house where the fence was stolen has long been empty. In the past, the house was used as a place for making children's toys.
"Empty, but the owner of the house is there. Once lost, glass was thrown, he disturbed this village. I have not reported this incident to the owner of the house. But now I have locked the long fence," he said.