Tangerang Baros Police Arrest Thief Charity Box Recorded By Mosque CCTV

SERANG - A man with the initials MIN was arrested by the police on suspicion of stealing a charity box in Al-Atihad, Baros, Serang Regency.

Serang City Police Chief AKBP Maruli Ahciles Hutapea said the theft occurred on Sunday, February 27, at 14.20 WIB.

"Yes, that's right, we arrested the perpetrators of the crime of theft by weighting the money from the mosque's charity city," said Maruli when confirmed, Monday, March 7.

Maruli said, at that time the perpetrator was known to have entered the Al-Atihad Mosque through a CCTV camera. Then, continued Maruli, he immediately took the charity box which was at the left door of the mosque.

"Moving the charity box, which was originally on the left side of the mosque entrance, to a special women's prayer place which is sealed with a board," said Maruli.

After successfully moving the charity box, the perpetrator broke the lock and took the money inside. It is known that the amount taken was Rp. 500 thousand.

"The perpetrator immediately took the money and put it in the back pocket of his pants," said Maruli.

The incident was revealed when a witness named Cecep realized that the charity box usually seen near the entrance of the mosque was no longer there.

"It was found in a woman's special prayer place in a damaged condition, which was covered by a mukena. And there is no money in the charity box," continued Maruli.

After receiving the report, the police immediately checked the CCTV inside the mosque.

"Then opening the CCTV footage, it was discovered that the culprit was wearing a black hat," he added.

After conducting an investigation, the Baros Police pursued the perpetrators. MIN, was finally arrested on Monday, March 7, at around 11.00 WIB.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with a penalty of five years in prison.