Raga Prayuga's Mother Cries Her Son Is Still Detained In Chernihiv Ukraine: Asks The Government To Evacuate

MEDAN - In the midst of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 9 residents of Binjai and Langkat, North Sumatra were detained.

In the video circulating, they took cover in a bunker to save themselves. The Indonesian citizens are said to be waiting for the evacuation process from the Indonesian government.

One of the families of an Indonesian citizen from Binjai cried asking the government to evacuate immediately. After the teleconference with the Indonesian Ambassador to Ukraine, in the room at the Binjai City Hall Command Center (BCC), Muhammad Raga Prayuga's mother, Ritami, burst into tears while carrying her photo telling the story of the condition of the child who is currently in Chernihiv, northern Ukraine.

According to him, Rutami, his son Muhammad Raga Prayuga, along with 8 residents of Binjai and Langkat are in Ukraine and work in a plastic factory owned by a Jordanian citizen.

"We ask the Indonesian government to evacuate my son and his friends there (Ukraine)," Rutami asked, Monday, March 7.

Ritami said that his son actually wanted to return to Indonesia when he heard the news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, the process is very slow.

As a result, they are stuck in the middle of Russia's war with Ukraine.

"Based on the contract, in September 2022, the contract expires," said Ritami.

The resident of Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Cengkeh Turi Village, North Binjai District, Binjai City hoped that his son and his colleagues could be evacuated immediately and return to their homeland safely.

Ritami admitted trying to be patient and trying to calm down.

"But from the video recordings that Raga sent and I saw live, there was the sound of a bomb exploding, then there was the sound of 'run, run,' how can I calm down. I understand, my child will be evacuated if the situation is safe. But I can't calm down, because my child hasn't been evacuated yet," he said.

When communicating with her child, Ritami advised Raga not to upload it on social media. He was worried that there would be a misunderstanding and a negative response.

"However, Raga insists on posting on social media. The goal is for the Indonesian government to know what their condition is," he said

"That's where my feelings broke, meaning that the conditions were more dangerous there. He's a good kid, I don't have anything else besides him," he continued.

Ritami said that his son, who migrated to Ukraine, was the breadwinner of the family. Moreover, after Ritami and her husband separated.

His son migrated to Ukraine to help support the family's economy as well as to pay for his younger brother who is currently attending high school.

"Raga is 21 years old, he is the backbone of the family. He (Raga) hopes that when he returns home safe, he will hug me," said Ritami.