MUI Says Indonesia Has A Chance To Convince Russia To Stop Invasion Of Ukraine

JAKARTA - The escalation of the conflict in Ukraine due to the Russian invasion is still heating up. The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) hopes that the government will be further involved in seeking peace in the conflict.

"To the Indonesian government, I really hope for more strategic and tactical roles in participating in the pursuit of Russian-Ukrainian peace," said Chairman of the MUI for Foreign Relations Prof. Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim in a written statement, Saturday, March 5.

He considered, Indonesia is a friend of Russia and Ukraine. Therefore, he said, there was a chance to convince Russia to stop its attacks on Ukraine.

According to him, Indonesia also has the opportunity to sit down with Ukraine to discuss and implement peace measures.

"The experience of peace agreements carried out in various warring countries shows that trust is very important, no one should betray," he said.

"Indonesia remains committed to creating lasting peace everywhere and because of that, the steps that will be taken by the Indonesian government are very meaningful to stop the Russo-Ukrainian war," he said.

"The attack or military aggression carried out by Russia against Ukraine has reached an alarming level," he said.

Sudarnoto said the death toll from innocent civilians was increasing, infrastructure damage was also getting more massive, and basic necessities were becoming increasingly difficult to obtain in Ukraine.

"All of this threatens social, economic, health and security life," he said.

What is also certain, he continued, is that this military aggression will make the future of the children even more bleak.

"It is inconceivable that a future world order that should be built on the principles of civility and world order and high respect for sovereignty and humanity is still colored by war and destruction," he said.