Pandemic Will Turn Into An Endemic, IDI Gives A Note To The Government For Preparation

JAKARTA - The government has announced that after two years the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia will change to an endemic phase. The Makassar Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) asked the government to prepare carefully in the midst of increasing daily transmission cases.

Public Relations of IDI Makassar, Dr. Wachyudi Muchsin, noted that the phase change to endemic must be supported by the synergy of the government and the community.

He explained that one of the things that the government must strengthen in order to switch phases is the database. According to him, in Indonesia, there are often problems with the absence of data as a basis for making evidence-based policies.

"In Indonesia, the first case occurred on March 2, 2020 and as of today there are 5.5 million people who have been infected, more than 148,000 people have died due to COVID-19. Soon this will become an ordinary endemic," he said, Saturday, March 5. , quoted from Antara.

Yudi said, there is a discrepancy between central and local government data. He added that not all data presentations were carried out in real terms and were renewable.

"This data discrepancy causes decision making for pandemic policies to often become out of sync," he said.

Yudi explained, to enter the endemic phase, health protocols in all agencies, buildings, tours, places of worship, entertainment venues, and others must be firmly and disciplined. Then continue to encourage the acceleration of comprehensive vaccination at all ages.

"Prokes plus vaccines must be prepared, don't be complacent when you see the number of exposed patients has gone down in 3-4 months," he said.

To change conditions to become endemic or coexist with the virus, he said, of course requires a new perspective on life and conditions. This perspective will bring Indonesia closer to a normal situation.

Furthermore, Yudi added that another thing that the government must continue to prepare so that people are not surprised when a change in situation occurs is to increase socialization and education.

"All existing efforts need to be accompanied by qualified education so that they will coexist with COVID-19 later, not just slogans," he said.

In addition, he said, the government must also continue to actively carry out testing and tracing. Until there is a guarantee for more qualified health response facilities from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic until the next few years at all levels.

Yudi emphasized that Makassar City IDI warned the government and the public regarding changes to the endemic phase that needed a process. It can't just be like playing magic.

"All policies in the transition process that will be passed together, of course, cannot be carried out in a hurry and only follow the existing trend," he said.