Proven To Sell Biodiesel Beyond Normal Limits, Pertamina Gives Strict Sanctions To Gas Stations In Purwakarta

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) through Pertamina Patra Niaga Subholding West Java Regional has imposed sanctions on Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU) 34-41105 in Purwakarta Regency which are proven to have committed violations during the period from February 2-15 2022

The sanction was given because the gas station sold 38,235 liters of Biosolar Fuel (BBM) of certain types of fuel (JBT) to the same vehicles continuously, and whose license plates were not registered with any SAMSAT. This transaction activity can be seen from the Pertamina gas station digitization system which is monitored every day on a regular basis.

Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR for the West Java Region, Eko Kristiawan, revealed that the sanctions were given in the context of fostering and supervising gas stations that cheated.

"This is in accordance with the cooperation agreement contract between the gas station and Pertamina that it is not permissible to sell JBT Biosolar fuel to vehicles exceeding the stipulated amount limit and more than once a day," Eko said in a statement quoted on Friday, March 4.

The sanctions given included a warning letter and a cessation of the supply of JBT Solar fuel for 1 month, installation of a gas station banner during the coaching period, and paying the difference between the subsidized and non-subsidized prices of 38,235 liters.

"Pertamina will give even stricter sanctions if during the coaching period they still violate the provisions that have been set," he added.

The Downstream Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) imposed restrictions on the purchase of subsidized diesel fuel. A number of vehicles are restricted and some are even prohibited from using JBT diesel oil.

"For four-wheeled goods transportation, the restriction on the purchase of diesel fuel is only 30 liters per vehicle per day. Six or more wheels is only 60 liters per vehicle per day, and for private vehicles it is only 20 liters per vehicle per day," said Eko.