PA 212 Holds Action To Defend Islam Demands Yaqut On Azan Rules, Ministry Of Religion: Gus Minister Has Good Intentions

JAKARTA - PA 212 held a demonstration entitled Action to Defend Islam demanding the removal of Yaqut Cholil Coumas from his position as Minister of Religion at the Ministry of Religion, Jakarta, this afternoon, Friday, March 14.

The demonstration was in response to Yaqut's statement regarding loudspeaker regulations. Yaqut is considered to have analogized the sound of the mosque's call to prayer with the sound of barking dogs.

Responding to this action, the Director General of Islamic Community Development at the Ministry of Religion, Kamaruddin Amin, invited all parties, especially the mass protestors, to listen to the whispers of conscience that Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas did not mean to compare the sound of the call to prayer with the barking of dogs.

"To my brothers who are going to demonstrate, I invite all of us to authentically and honestly listen to the whispers of our deepest conscience without any hatred, grudges, and interests regarding Gus Minister's statement, while reading his statement in full," Kamaruddin said in his official statement, Friday, March 4th.

"God willing, our spiritual whispers will say that Gus Minister has good intentions, there is no intention of comparing the sound of the call to prayer and the barking of dogs," he continued.

According to Kamaruddin, Yaqut has a background as a santri who grew up in a pesantren environment. Therefore, he believes that Yaqut cannot do what PA 212 perceives.

"In the name of the benefit and brotherhood of the faith and the country, we must not amplify, capitalize, exploit, let alone accuse things that are not in accordance with the facts," he said.

Kamaruddin said that currently Yaqut was fighting for the benefit of the people and the nation. He considered that there was a need for communication by prioritizing public civility and being kind to one another.

"We must respect each other, let's take care of our Islamic brotherhood and nationality to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT," said Kamaruddin.